Eating Better

Generous Food Futures


Explore food sys­tems, hear from local food pro­duc­ers and activists, as well as imag­ine how we can cre­ative­ly use tech­nol­o­gy to build gen­er­ous cities.

For starters, join us for a free day event as we partner up with Bristol + Bath Creative R + D to explore a fusion of thoughts, feedback, and ideas around connecting as a community to bring about sustainable futures and waste not.

For mains, the day will include guest speakers, conversations and experimentation to help us explore how a generous city can be developed through thinking about food. We’d love to hear your thoughts and learn from your experiences. Designing generous cities is about having fun and celebrating what people naturally do in their communities – sharing, helping, exchanging, growing and being creative.

For dessert, we will share a banquet created by a local chef. Ideas from the day will be digested into an experiment or mini prototype, which uses technology to implement a generous food system.

Submit your own event

If you're hosting a good food event in Bristol, share the details here to spread the word far and wide.