Bristol Good Food 2030: A One City Framework for Action, published in June, aims to transform the city’s food system within this decade, supporting its ambitions on health, climate, biodiversity and social justice.
The Framework includes the below vision and outcomes for Urban Growing:
More people are growing more nutritious, sustainable and culturally relevant produce.
Outcome 1: The most suitable land for growing has been identified and protected
Outcome 2: The volume of land used for growing has increased significantly
Outcome 3: Training and economic support for growers has increased, alongside the diversity of people growing food and the number of growers
Outcome 4: More routes to market are available for growers
Outcome 5: Community-based and commercial food production on council owned land uses nature-friendly techniques
Sitting alongside the Framework are the Bristol Good Food 2024 Action Plans. The purpose of the Action Plans is to describe, in detail, the improvements we want to see in the food system up until 2024, how those changes will be achieved and by whom.
Read the full Urban Growing Action Plan to see what is planned under this theme. You can also read about the short-term indicators, which measure progress on specific actions that are already underway and contributing to the Action Plan outcomes. High-level indicators, yet to be published, will track overall progress against the Action Plans.