Urban Growing

January update

Bristol Good Food 2030 Urban Growing goals and priorities are confirmed and are summarised as below. These priorities are being shared with all community groups listed in the Bristol Good Food directory. If you are from an organisation helping to make Bristol’s food system better for communities, climate and nature, please get in touch if you would like to be included in the Bristol Good Food 2030 communities group mailing list. The below priorities inform the Bristol Good Food 2030 Action Plans and Framework.

  • Food growing and the food grown is more diverse and represents the rich food cultures of the city.
    By i
    ncreasing numbers of wheelchair accessible allotment plots and improve information about local jobs in growing. 
  • Availability of land for nature-friendly commercial and community growing in the city is optimised.
    By i
    mproving access to Bristol City Council-owned growing land once mapped.  
  • Appropriate training on agro-ecological growing techniques is accessible to community and commercial growers citywide, as well as support for existing producers to maintain or grow their operations.
    By offering more training
    that is better advertised.  
  • Increased and effective routes to market are available for a more resilient and shorter regional food supply chain.
    By Bristol City Council trialling a d
    ynamic procurement system.
  • Food production at all levels is led by agro-ecological techniques.
    Bristol Good Food 2030 inputting into the One City Ecological Emergency Strategy.

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