The One City Food Equality Action Plan (2023–26) has now been published. Developed by Feeding Bristol and Bristol City Council, the Action Plan was co-produced with over 80 different groups and organisations, and with people who have lived experience of food inequality, and is designed to identify and tackle the issues of rising food inequality in Bristol, under five themes:
- Fair, equitable access: Fair access to nutritious and appropriate food
- Choice and security: Choice, empowerment and a feeling of security
- Skills and resources: People and communities are equipped with the necessary food knowledge, skills and facilities
- Sustainable local food system: A resilient and environmentally sustainable local food system
- Food at the heart of decision-making: Food is at the heart of community, economy and city planning
Published in June, Bristol Good Food 2030: A One City Framework for Action which sets out priorities and initiatives which aim to make Bristol’s food system better for people and communities, climate and nature, workers and businesses is underpinned by the principles of the Food Equality Strategy and Action Plan.